FedEx Express is one of the world's largest express transportation companies, providing fast and reliable delivery to more than 220 countries and territories. FedEx Express uses a global air-and-ground network to speed up the delivery of time-sensitive shipments, by a definite time and date.

Build new connections worldwide – 3 tips to help your business

In today's online world, buying and selling have changed significantly. More people want to shop on their phones and laptops from the comfort of their homes. So how can businesses attract new customers without a physical storefront? Here are three big ideas that can help your business stand out in the online retail space.

1. Make shopping fun with virtual experiences

Shopping is not just about buying products. People also shop to enjoy the online experience. This mix of shopping and entertainment is called "shopatainment." It blurs the lines between e-commerce and the experience of online activities like playing a game or watching an influencer event.

Virtual shopping experiences are especially popular with younger shoppers. For Gen Z, who have grown up with the internet, it’s a seamless experience when they can buy products while engaging in entertainment. One example of shopatainment is a virtual fashion show where you can click on the clothes you like and buy them. To try it for your business, start by identifying the online activities your customers like to participate in.

2. Sell products through live videos

Live streaming is another innovative way to sell products. You can connect and communicate directly with your customers, which is why this is called “conversational commerce.” This isn’t just a passing trend – it’s estimated that by 2026, live-commerce-initiated sales could make up 10 to 20% of all e-commerce in China.

While many big brands use influencers and celebrities to host live streams, anyone who loves your products can film a how-to or product demo. This makes live videos a great option for businesses with smaller marketing budgets, too. To share an example, a chef could share a live video on social media or YouTube to show how to cook a dish and then sell the cooking tools they use.

3. Use social media to sell

Nowadays, social media goes hand in hand with having an online store. People want to buy things directly from platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Social media can make shopping easy and fun, so it’s no surprise that sales through these channels are growing fast. In fact, they’re expected to triple between 2021 and 2025.

You can make shoppable posts that let customers click on the products you’ve tagged, or add a purchase link to Instagram stories. For example, a beauty shop could post a tutorial on Instagram and tag the makeup products that are used so customers can buy them with a few clicks.

How to take your business global

Embracing e-commerce trends is a must for businesses to succeed today. With tools like social media and online streaming and online shopping sites like Amazon, Tmall and Lazada, the world is getting closer. This means a business in Hong Kong can reach customers in other countries in more ways than ever.

Expanding your business globally and succeeding in online retail is made easier with a trusted logistics partner. FedEx can help make the journey seamless and straightforward. FedEx's reliable delivery services help you deliver your products swiftly and safely, wherever your customers may be. Visit the FedEx Small Business Center for more tips and advice to realise your global business ambitions.

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