Lok Ma Chau zoning plan approved
The area for redevelopment covers about 104 hectares.
The Chief Executive in Council has approved the draft Lok Ma Chau Loop Outline Zoning Plan which is allotted for commercial, government and conservation purposes.
According to a press release, the land area up for redevelopment covers 104 hectares. Half of the land area or 53.49 hectares are allocated for various government and community purposes
including R&D, education and cultural, ecological area and sewage treatment works.
A total of 18.18 hectares of land are zoned to provide outdoor open-air public space for recreational uses.
Four sites with a total of about 3.95 hectares of land are zoned for the development of two electricity substations, two district cooling systems, possible boundary crossing facilities, police facilities and a sub-divisional fire station cum ambulance depot whilst about 1.23 hectares in the northern area are reserved for commercial developments.