Hong Kong Insurance Authority

The Hong Kong Insurance Authority (IA) is an insurance regulator established under the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41). The principal function of IA is to regulate and supervise the insurance industry for the promotion of the general stability of the insurance industry and for the protection of existing and potential policy holders.

See below for the Latest Hong Kong Insurance Authority News, Analysis, Profit Results, Share Price Information, and Commentary. 


HKIA imposes five-year ban on ex-insurance agent

The former agent mishandled and misappropriated premium payments from two policyholders. 

HKIA imposes five-year ban on ex-insurance agent

The former agent mishandled and misappropriated premium payments from two policyholders. 

Hong Kong imposes six-month ban on Chan Ka Hey for fabrication

To deceive the insurer and his employing bank, Hey fabricated a new DDA form with a cut-out of the client’s signature, without consent.

Hong Kong Insurance Authority reappoints CEO

His reappointment is effective 15 August 2023 to 14 August 2026.

HK Insurance Authority launches new QDAP selection tool

Users can choose and compare any available QDAP policies using the search tool.

Hong Kong rolls out roadmap to boost insurance sector

The roadmap seeks to enlarge insurance firms’ access to other markets amongst others. 

Hong Kong life insurance industry revenues dip by 3.3%

New business premiums from Mainland China visitors surged by 150%

Hong Kong receives fewer insurance-related complaints in H1

Complaints about conduct have the most significant number.

How did Hong Kong’s insurance industry fared in its first quarter?

The industry showed only flat growth across both long-term and general business.

Hong Kong IA resumes normal operations

However, the public is still encouraged to make use of off-site services.