11,700 Hong Kongers lose their jobs mid-year
Total employment in the private sector decreased by 0.4%.
Total employment in the private sector surveyed decreased by 0.4% or 11,700 persons in June 2021 compared with a year earlier. The total number of vacancies was 45,440, representing an increase of 16% or 6,320 over the preceding year. The total of persons employed is 2,707,300.
Decreases in employment were mainly recorded in the industries of manufacturing (-6.0% or -5,000 persons), transportation, storage, postal, and courier services (-4.2% or -7,400 persons), import and export trade (-3.5% or -13,800 persons), wholesale (-2.9% or -1,500 persons), and arts, entertainment, recreation, and other services (-2.7% or -3,300 persons).
Meanwhile, employment increased mainly in the industries of manual work in construction sites (8.6% or 8,500 persons), human health services (3.3% or 4,600 persons), accommodation services (3.1% or 1,100 persons), and real estate (2.4% or 3,300 persons).
In the March 2021 survey, some economic activities, such as self-employment, are not covered. Therefore, the respective employment and vacancies figures relate only to those selected industries included in the survey.