Fuel clause charge for September to decline 10.5%: HK Electric

The FCC has been declining since June 2023.

A spokesman for HK Electric said the company’s Fuel Clause Charge (FCC) for September will decrease by 10.5% to 62.4 cents per unit of electricity, following the continuous drop in international fuel prices. 

In a statement, the company said this marked the biggest drop in a single month in the year so far.

The FCC has been falling down since June this year, with a total reduction of 20.1 cents in four months. 

“HK Electric’s average net tariff for September will be lowered to 176.9 cents per unit of electricity, from 197 cents in January, a drop of 10.2%,” said the company.

The spokesman said a typical three-person household using 275 units a month for example, after taking government subsidies into account, the net tariff payable will be $233.3 in September, down by $55.3 compared with $288.6 in January. 

“With the stabilisation of international fuel prices, the outlook for further reduction in the FCC in the remainder of the year continues to be positive,” the spokesman added.

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