Joblessness drops to 5.1% in May
The total number of unemployed people stands at 191,400.
The unemployment rate fell by 0.3 percentage points to 5.1% for March to May, when compared to the February to April period.
Based on the data from the Census & Statistics Department (C&SD), the total number of unemployed people from March to May was 191,400, a drop of around 14,700 from the preceding three-month period.
The number of underemployed individuals likewise dropped by 11,600 to 130,400, translating to a rate of 3.5%.
The decrease in both the unemployment rate and underemployment rate was also seen across sectors, particularly in the construction, retail, accommodation and food services, and the arts, entertainment and recreation sectors.
Despite a decrease in the number of unemployed and underemployed, employment and labour force still fell by 5,400 to 3,553,800, and by 20,100 to 3,745,200, respectively, between March to May.
Secretary for Labour & Welfare Dr. Law Chi-kwong said the improvement of Hong Kong’s labour market was on the back of the moderated local COVID-19 epidemic and the gradual relaxation of social distancing measures.
“Looking ahead, provided that the local epidemic remains under control, domestic economic activities and thus labour market conditions should continue to improve in the coming months," the secretary said.