Unemployment rate remains at 2.9%
There were 112,400 unemployed people from September to November.
The jobless rate for the September to November period clocked in at 2.9%, unchanged from the August to October record.
Based on the data from the Census & Statistics Department (C&SD), the total number of unemployed people from August to October was 112,400, 4,700 less than the preceding period.
Secretary for Labour & Welfare Chris Sun said the unemployment rates of various sectors stayed low from September to November, mostly showing only small changes compared with the preceding three-month period.
From September to November, there were 36,600 underemployed individuals, translating to a rate of 1%, the same as the preceding three-month period.
Meanwhile, total employment decreased by 4,700 to 3,708,700, and the labour force dropped by 8,100 to 3,821,100.
Sun said that whilst the still unfavourable external environment might have some negative effects, the expected further recovery of inbound tourism and private consumption will continue to underpin labour demand.