Unemployment rate stands at 2.9%
There were 102,600 unemployed people from November 2023 to January.
The jobless rate for the November 2023 to January period clocked in at 2.9%, unchanged from the October to December record.
Based on the data from the Census & Statistics Department (C&SD), the total number of unemployed people from November 2023 to January was 102,600, 3,100 less than the preceding period.
Secretary for Labour & Welfare Chris Sun said the unemployment rates of various sectors stayed low from November 2023 - January 2024.
From November 2023 to January 2024, there were 38,800 underemployed individuals, translating to a rate of 1%, the same as the preceding three-month period.
Meanwhile, total employment decreased by 9,800 to 3,706,800, and the labour force dropped by 12,800 to 3,799,700.