HK startup develops an app that organizes photos and videos automatically
This technology startup has raised over USD100K.
No one generates more photos than newborn babies. Whether they're yours or to somebody else, the moment we see them our hands fly to grab the camera. Unfortunately our phones' memory is so limited. Cloud storage can't just do enough. This is a problem faced by 36-year old Ashok Jaiswal who founded a multimedia tech firm Ezee Systems November last year. It’s flagship consumer product EzeeCube was originally aimed at solving their personal problem of managing family photos and videos.
Ashok shared that they had their baby born 18 months ago. During the first 6 months, their whole family took so many photo that everyone was running out of phone memory. They did not want to keep them on cloud or personal computer. Frustrated with situation, Ashok tried look for a solution but could not find anything suitable so they decided to build EzeeCube.
After more than a year, they now have a working prototype of EzeeCube, apps for iOS and android in the app store and design for manufacturing ready. According to Ashok, to go into manufacturing, they have raised more than USD100,000 on Indiegogo and plan to start delivering EzeeCube by Christmas this year.
What is EzzeCube?
EzeeCube, is a technology startup with an open source media center box, which automatically consolidates content from all the devices in household and automatically organises them, deletes duplicate photos. Its capabilities can be extending by stacking accessories.
“EzeeCube is unique with our patent pending stack-to-extend functionality, linux based OS and open source software on our hardware, EzeeCube’s unique design and ease of use UX of our software. Our geographic location provides us unique advantage of building hardware technology company and our team’s software capabilities adds to this hardware raise the barrier to entry,” said Ashok.
How it works?
EzeeCube’s patent pending stack-to-extend technology allows users to simply stack the new components they need to transform EzeeCube from smart media storage hub into a game console or blu-ray player, it makes any TV a smartTV to which users can stream internet content, enjoy their family photos and videos.
Users just need to connect the EzeeCube to power supply, download the EzeeSync app and the photos, videos and contacts from their iOS or Android devices automatically gets synched to EzeeCube. Once synced, EzeeCube will:
- Automatically syncs photos, videos, and contacts from across your iOS and Android devices
- Automatically syncs 'Pictures', 'Movies', 'Music' and 'Video' files from your Mac or Windows PC
- Identifies and sorts similar and duplicate photos from each of your devices
- Organises your photos and videos into places, dates, events, and even people
- Keeps your content safe at home so you can share it with family and friends anywhere
- Helps your family revisit memories from the comfort of your couch thanks to a beautiful slideshow that plays on your TV
- Streams EzeeCube’s synced photos and videos to any iOS/Android device or Windows/Mac PC from anywhere
The funding
According to Ashok, they started EzeeCube development a year ago, it was self funded until last month. They raised USD100K so far from their indiegogo campaign and raised USD30K seed funding from Big Bloom. With crowdfunding, Big Bloom and their personal funds, it sums at USD175K and this should close at USD250K at the end of indiegogo campaign.
When asked about their future plans, Ashok shared that they want to deliver the crowd funded units and expand into retail by Q2 2015.
The founder
Ashok Jaiswal, 36 years old, started his career in multimedia technology at WASP3D in Delhi, moved to Singapore at muvee. Before moving to Hong Kong, five years ago for his MBA at HKUST, he worked with few more startups in New York and Beijing.
After finishing his MBA, he joined Goldman Sachs multimedia technology division to build and improve video conferencing facilities.
Name of the Company: Ezee Systems
Founders: Ashok Jaiswal
Website: https://www.ezeecube.com/
Total Funding at hand: USD150K
Source of Funding: Indiegogo, self and Big Bloom angel funding
Target Funding: Closing USD250K at the end of indiegogo campaign
Start of Operation: November 2013
For startups wanting to be featured, send your message to Lee Anne Babierra at [email protected]