Information Technology

Is tech good or bad for Hong Kong's work-life balance?

The number of mobile internet devices is set to outnumber humans by the end of this year. There'll be more smartphones and internet-connected tablets...

ASM Pacific's revenue predicted to soar 40% to HKD2.85-3b

Intense competition in wirebonding market looms.

Four in five HK firms use cloud computing

Want to gain competitive edge and cut Capex.

What can DDoS do for Hong Kong businesses

Hong Kong and the rest of the world are becoming increasingly connected electronically, expanding markets and reducing the inefficiencies of doing...

HD video calls now available in Hong Kong

For PCCW Global enterprise customers and carrier partners.

5 principles of effective websites in Hong Kong

The rapid adoption of the Internet has been impacting the community at large. In Hong Kong, the number of Internet users today has reached nearly 4.9...

Surge in demand for smartphones, laptops and tablets in HK

Sales of these devices topped three million in Q1.

Find out why data is the new oil of the 21st century

Data is increasingly described as the “new oil” of the 21st century. Few would argue the point that data is a valuable asset. However, in an...

Check out EOC's new smartphone app

Android app soon to be launched.