Happy holidays, one and all!

Hong Kong Business will be back on 3 January 2022. 

The Hong Kong Business team is currently helping Santa deliver presents to all the good little girls and boys as a part of our corporate social responsibility. 

We will be back to bring you the freshest business news on 3 January 2022.

But wait! What’s that under your tree? Why it’s a bag of our hottest exclusive stories to keep you company until the New Year. 

Israel and Hong Kong forge fertile business bonds

How Hong Kong’s real estate scene will fare in agents’ eyes

Green finance in APAC to grow amidst data and disclosure gaps

Office property market to recover despite high vacancy rates

Decline in expats drags luxury residential market

Architects to remodel Hong Kong into a greener, more future-ready city

Join Hong Kong Business community
Since you're here...

...there are many ways you can work with us to advertise your company and connect to your customers. Our team can help you dight and create an advertising campaign, in print and digital, on this website and in print magazine.

We can also organize a real life or digital event for you and find thought leader speakers as well as industry leaders, who could be your potential partners, to join the event. We also run some awards programmes which give you an opportunity to be recognized for your achievements during the year and you can join this as a participant or a sponsor.

Let us help you drive your business forward with a good partnership!