, Hong Kong
Image by Steven Yu from Pixabay

Northern Metropolis to create 500,000 new jobs

It will also provide about 500,000 new housing units.

Once fully developed, the Northern Metropolis will bring 500,000 new jobs and 500,000 new housing units to Hong Kong, Chief Executive John Lee said in his policy address.

Sharing more details about the development, Lee said the Northern Metropolis will be divided into four major zones: High-end professional services and logistics hub, innovation and technology (I&T) zone, boundary commerce and industry zone, and the blue and green recreation, tourism and conservation circle.

The high-end professional services and logistics hub will cover Hung Shui Kiu and the surrounding area and will be connected with the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Co-operation Zone.

"The hub will provide financial and professional services, on top of capitalising on the locational advantages of the boundary control points (BCPs) for developing the modern logistics industry," Lee said.

Meanwhile, the innovation and technology (I&T) zone will cover San Tin Technopole including the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation & Technology Park in the Loop.

"It will create synergy with the Shenzhen Innovation & Technology Zone and serve as a hub for I&T development," Lee said.

Occupying the largest stretch of land in the development is the boundary commerce and industry zone.

"This zone enjoys the geographic advantages of the BCPs at Lo Wu, Man Kam To and Heung Yuen Wai. Apart from driving the development of industries such as advanced construction, green environment industries, health care, food technology and modern logistics, this zone will promote cross-boundary business services and entertainment spending, giving full play to its powerful function as a BCP commercial zone," Lee said.

Areas endowed with rich cultural heritage and natural resources, such as Robin’s Nest, Sha Tau Kok and Yan Tong Chau will comprise the blue and green recreation circle, which will promote recreation and tourism development.

Overall, Lee said the Northern Metropolis will be steered towards the development of different industries to promote economic and social development.

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