How much rent will you pay for that flat?
Rents for 8,292 flats in public rental housing estates will be equal to the current best rent level of the urban district.
According to a release, rents for 8,292 flats in 11 non-standard blocks of the Housing Authority's two new public rental housing estates to be completed in the first half of 2012 will be set at the current best rent level of the urban district.
The best rent of $58.6 per square metre per month for flats in the urban district will apply to the 4,054 flats at Shek Kip Mei Estate Phases 2 & 5 and the 4,238 flats at Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate Phase 1.
More than 88% of the flats are set at a rent level below $1,900 per month.
Public rental housing applicants who are allocated new flats but cannot afford the rent can request refurbished flats for lower rent. They can also apply for assistance under the rent assistance scheme for the refurbished flats.