Mei Foo development said to comply with statutory requirements
The residential development near Phase 8 of Mei Foo Sun Chuen meets relevant statutory requirements and complies with the use permissible under the land lease.
This has been confirmed by a Development Bureau spokesman, thus there is no case for the Government to interfere with a lawful private project.
The pronouncement is in response to local residents' concern.
"The residential development concerned is located at Lots NKML 25 R.P. and NKML 25 S.B. According to the lease conditions, the site can be used for non-industrial uses which include residential use. The site falls within the Lai Chi Kok Outline Zoning Plan and has been zoned 'Residential' since 1985 under the Town Planning Ordinance. The Building Authorityhas approved the general building plans and commencement of foundation works for the development in accordance with the Buildings Ordinance", the spokesman said.
According to the latest approved building plans, one single block of 20-storey building will be built at the site and its height will be similar to that of the buildings of Phase 8 of Mei Foo Sun Chuen next to the site.
In this case, the development complies with the planning and building legislation and residential use is permissible under the land lease. There are no policy considerations or special circumstances which warrant the Government's interference with private property rights. Any suggested non-in-situ land exchange with the owner to stop the development simply to address some local resistance cannot be justified", the spokesman added.