CE’s policy address vows to bring housing relief
Tsang said the government will consider various subsidised housing schemes to address one of Hong Kong’s crucial social issue.
Chief Executive Donald Tsang has pledged to propose measures to deal with Hong Kong's housing problem in his October policy address.
Speaking at his Legislative Council question-and-answer session Friday, Mr Tsang acknowledged the housing problem is a crucial social issue, saying he understands why some are calling for the resumption of the Home Ownership Scheme, according ta a report in news.gov.hk.
He said the Government will consider various subsidised housing schemes, and he has asked the Central Policy Unit to hold a focus group to discuss the issue.
The Government has adopted various approaches in tackling the housing problem, he added, such as increasing land supply, to ensure the transparency of the property market and to suppress property speculation. He said the moves have stabilised the market.