Government mulls development options for Fanling golf course
The partial development option can provide 4,600 flats whilst the full option can triple the number at 13,200 units.
In its bid to address the housing demand-supply imbalance, the government is considering either a partial or full development option for the proposal to convert Fanling Golf Course into a housing development.
According to a press release, the partial option will only develop the eastern section of Fan Kam Road which comprises of 32 land hectares and involves eight holes of the old golf course.
Around 4,600 flats can be put on the housing market following the partial conversion.
“It is easier and perhaps much quicker if we turn the eastern part of Fan Kam Road into a housing development site,” said Task Force on Land Supply Chairman Stanley Wong.
For the option to develop the whole site, Wong noted that it comprises five times more land at 172 hectares which could potentially house almost three times more units at 13,200.
However, the full option would also entail higher environmental damage with an estimated involvement of 30,000 trees.
“If the community selects to proceed with considering using the whole golf course, that would involve a substantial amount of technical studies before any of these options can be carried forward in the future,” cautioned Wong.
The Task Force will put the two development options into public consultation to be launched by March.
Photo from Soybeans - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0