Public rental housing supply pegged at 34,800 for 2018-19
Of this number, 23,100 new flats and 11,700 refurbished flats will be available.
The Subsidised Housing Committee has approved a total of 34,800 public rental housing (PRH) flats to be available for allocation in 2018-19.
Also read: 74,700 new public rental housing units to be launched in the next five years
Of this number, 23,100 new flats and 11,700 refurbished flats, will be available, according to a government statement.
Around 2,200 flats would be made available for applicants under the Quota and Points System in accordance with the 10% annual allocation quota for non-elderly one-person applicants.
Similarly, 350 flats are estimated for rehousing residents affected by clearance projects planned by redevelopment projects spearheaded by Urban Redevelopment Authority.
To facilitate the clearance and redevelopment projects of Blocks 9, 10, 11 and 13 at Pak Tin Estate as well as Mei Tung House and Mei Po House at Mei Tung Estate announced in August 2017, a total of 800 flats will be reserved for the thinning-out transfer exercises.
An additional 4,800 flats will also be set aside for various transfer purposes wherein 1,600 units will be used for transfer of under-occupation households and 1,000 for the Territory-wide Overcrowding Relief Transfer Exercise and the Living Space Improvement Transfer Scheme.
The remaining 2,200 will be deployed for transfer purposes including Harmonious Families Transfer Scheme, the conversion programme of Housing for Senior Citizens, and Special Transfer for individual tenants on medical and/or social grounds.
Photo from Baycrest - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5