This Hong Kong fashion startup plans to pocket USD1m in total funding by end-2014
It just relaunched last year.
With USD250,000 total funding since its first launch in 2010, Shop des Createurs plans to dominate Asia's online fashion scene in high heels. Claiming as the first online fashion marketplace in Asia, Shop des Createurs sells top up-and-coming designers' brands from all over the world and offers fashion editorial content as well as customised fashion advice.
Since its relaunch in 2013, The Shop has generated a strong fan base of customers and bloggers in HK, Singapore, Taiwan and China.
In an exclusive interview with the Hong Kong Business, owner Clara Hansen shared the Shop's strategy is articulated around the 3C's: Commerce, Content and Community.
"Shop des Createurs is the ultimate online fashion destination and is meant to grow rapidly in Asia, where customers are increasingly looking for independent fashion brands, fashion content and community.
The unique offer of products, strictly curated by the team, combined with ultimate fashion content from top bloggers, all blended in a community sharing environment," she shared.
Like other startups, the Shop had humble beginnings with initial funds sourced from friends and family. Today, it targets to pocket USD 1m by end of 2014.
Asked about the Shop's future plans, Clara said "we will continue what we are doing, in a bigger international scale, with more designers, technological innovations and marketing efforts."
Founders: relaunched by Clara Hansen and Agnes Vilaysack in October 2013
Website: www.shopdescreateurs.com
Total funding: USD 250m (since October 2013)
Target fund: fund raising targeted of USD 1m in 2014
Source of funding: Private Equity Fund + Individuals
Start of operation: relaunch in October 2013