Ordinance amending telecommunications regulatory framework comes into effect

The ordinance will implement four major measures.

The ordinance amending the telecommunications regulatory framework under the Telecommunications Ordinance came into effect today, 24 June.

Under the amendment ordinance, the following four major measures will be implemented:

  • Stipulating the powers of the Communications Authority (CA) on regulating the telecommunications functions of smart devices;
  • Strengthening the protection of underground telecommunications infrastructure;
  • Simplifying the licensing framework to facilitate the introduction of innovative services by the industry; and
  • Improving the appeal mechanism under the TO by expanding the functions and powers of the previous Telecommunications (Competition Provisions) Appeal Board, which will be renamed the Telecommunications Appeal Board (TAB). TAB will be led by Chua Guan-hock as Chairman and Selwyn Yu Sing-cheung as Deputy Chairman.

These measures were passed in the Legislative Council on 21 October 2021.

Apart from the four measures, the Guidelines on Work near Underground Telecommunications Lines also take effect today.

The guidelines provide a clear standard and guiding principles and draw up appropriate safety guidelines and precautionary measures for carrying out works. 

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