Hong Kong COVID measures

'Vaccine measures won't be lifted anytime soon': Carrie Lam

Areas of concern include the quarantine hotel and pet shop clusters.

Quarantine period for local close contacts shortened to 14 days

Following this will be a week of self-monitoring and a virus test on the 19th day. 

JP Morgan chief hits HK’s pandemic rules

The strict measures made it hard for the investment bank to retain staff in HK.

Could vaccine passports move the economic needle?

Some reflection is perhaps in order as we approach the second anniversary of COVID-19’s initial outbreak. 

What are the vaccination records allowed in Hong Kong?

Record issued in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Turkey are now accepted in the city.

Hong Kong opens borders to Indonesian, Filipino workers

But, only if they have been fully vaccinated.

Hong Kong airport imposes vaccine requirement on all staff

The first phase of the new requirement will take effect on 1 September.

What you need to know about HK’s vaccine record rule

The new requirements will be in effect starting 20 August.