Government mulls over taxi fare hike by $2
It is scheduled to be implemented on April 9.
The Chief Executive in Council endorsed a proposal to increase the flagfall charge for taxis by $2, and the incremental charge per 200 metres by 10 cents, according to the government.
The flagfall charge for the first 2km will rise from $22 to $24 for urban taxis, from $18.50 to $20.50 for New Territories taxis, and from $17 to $19 for Lantau taxis.
The incremental charge will rise from $1.60 to $1.70 for urban taxis, from $1.40 to $1.50 for New Territories taxis, and from $1.40 to $1.50 for Lantau taxis.
The amendment will be tabled at the Legislative Council on February 15 for negative vetting and is scheduled to take effect on April 9.
The Transport & Housing Bureau has considered changes in revenue and operating costs of taxi operators, public acceptability, and the fare differential between taxis and other modes of public transport.