, Hong Kong

Residents get electricity subsidy beginning July

A maximum subsidy of $1,800 will be provided to each eligible residential electricity account from July this year.


Starting from July 1, a monthly subsidy of $150 will be credited to each residential account with CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd
or the Hongkong Electric Co Ltd  in existence on the first day of each month for 12 consecutive months.

 The subsidy is one of the relief measures announced by the Financial Secretary in the 2011-12 Budget to alleviate the burden of inflation on the public.

A Government spokesman said that the credit can be used for the purpose of offsetting the billed charges for electricity consumed under the same account. Any unused credit can be carried forward to cover electricity charges under the same account until August 31, 2014, or the close of the account, whichever is earlier.

Electricity bills for residential accounts with the two electricity companies to be issued in July this year will reflect the first credit of the subsidy.

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