
How to stop innovation killers in Hong Kong

Innovation is essential for companies in Hong Kong to compete and win in today's global and hyper-competitive environment. Unfortunately, many of the factors that kill innovation are very common in organizations.

How to stop innovation killers in Hong Kong

Innovation is essential for companies in Hong Kong to compete and win in today's global and hyper-competitive environment. Unfortunately, many of the factors that kill innovation are very common in organizations.

Why Hong Kong firms should hire more moms

We've been suffering from 'mom-cession', according to Time magazine.1 Married mothers are less likely to find a new job than married fathers, and likely to get paid less if they do find one.

Cloud computing redefines the role of CIOs in Hong Kong

CIOs see role evolving towards operational responsibilities, more internal consultancy and less IT infrastructure administration

Exploring document management solutions in Hong Kong

Market uncertainties on a global scale pose challenges to enterprises of all sizes today. According to the report of World Economic Forum “Global Competitiveness Index 2012 – 2013: Strengthening Recovery by Raising Productivity” 1, The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates that, in 2012, the euro zone will have contracted by 0.3 percent, while the United States is experiencing a weak recovery with an uncertain future.

How Hong Kong can benefit from China's gold reserves

A century ago when China was on the silver standard China was in a complete mess, looted and humiliated repeatedly by Russia, Japan, the British, and the United States.

3 tips to get along with people in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a multi-dimensional and a multi-cultural city. On the streets and in the skyscrapers of Hong Kong people from different parts of the world mix, play and do business like they do in no other city in the world.

Maintaining a rich seafood market in Hong Kong

Hong Kong offers some of the best food in the world. To maintain this reputation, Hong Kong chefs strive to serve high-quality foods. Food quality, however, is not a matter of taste alone. Quality food should also be nutritious, sustainably produced, and ethically harvested.

Top 5 issues that will impact Hong Kong employment in 2013

2013 will herald in the Year of the Snake – a year for steady progress and attention to detail. Focus and discipline will be necessary for Hong Kong business leaders to achieve what they set out to create.

9 communications trends to watch out for in 2013

2012 was a mixed bag of highs and lows. Despite a sluggish global economy, humans continued to surprise with their endeavor and ambition to go where no man has gone before.

What Hong Kong can learn from the China Rail Ministry’s online ticketing incident

In 2011, the China Rail Ministry created an online ticketing website for people to book train tickets. During this year’s Spring Festival, tens of millions of Chinese in Hong Kong and migrant workers across China visited the website to purchase train tickets. However, the massive traffic load for the ticketing website has caused increased dissatisfaction among users.

5 key growth drivers for cloud computing in Hong Kong

2013 is a year of data explosion. The online world is forecast to have 200 million new users getting online for the first time this year. With a large number of these emerging from Asia and logging on for the first time via mobile or social channels, demand for enterprise infrastructure and secure, cloud ready, geographic hubs will be a key theme for the year ahead.

Digital vs non-digital advertising in Hong Kong

“Going Green, Recycle and Protect the Earth”, was a message endorsed by the Hong Kong Environmental Department showcased through a banner ad attached on the side of the bus. That is, a form of out-door advertising, often refer to as Out-Of-Home (OOH) advertising.

What you must know about bribery in Hong Kong

It may be a little early for moon cakes, but  as we are well into the season of gifting, and where businesses are receiving gifts, consideration of what might constitute a bribe, should never be far from company owners' minds. After all, it wasn't too long ago, in 2009, that a local company director received a jail term for offering 15 boxes of moon cakes to local police officers.

Opportunities for Hong Kong investors in Chinese gas

Traditional energy sources – oil and gas – are one of the few areas to remain relatively untouched by the global economic crisis. All over the world, demand for gas in particular is high, as key energy consumers look for supply security as well as cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternatives to coal and oil as energy sources. Considerable investments have been made in mature markets, such as the US and Australia, but opportunities are developing in a range of countries.

Why mobile apps are not just for consumers anymore

In Hong Kong mobile phone penetration is currently 213% and smart phone penetration is 61%, the second highest in the world1.

Should Hong Kong companies look further afield for growth opportunities?

A decade or so after the term 'BRIC' term was coined to acknowledge the potential of leading emerging economies, there still appears to be a reluctance to see the opportunities there. Even as mature industrialised markets as Western Europe and the United States essentially stagnate, companies are not exactly rushing into new territories.

Finding the right Chinese translation

When you are told to “slip carefully” instead of be careful because of the slippery floor or you see people dining at a place called “Translation server error”, you would know how seriously erroneous English translation can be.