
How to be a millionaire before turning 40

A good friend had the ambition to become a millionaire before his 40th birthday, a common ambition in Hong Kong, and he was well underway until recession struck. Fortunately, he is an educated businessman and understanding mega trends made him change his strategy dramatically; he switched from selling power tools to young men to selling electric powered bicycles to elderly women.

How to be a millionaire before turning 40

A good friend had the ambition to become a millionaire before his 40th birthday, a common ambition in Hong Kong, and he was well underway until recession struck. Fortunately, he is an educated businessman and understanding mega trends made him change his strategy dramatically; he switched from selling power tools to young men to selling electric powered bicycles to elderly women.

6 powerful people who enforced the power of legitimacy

The strategic structure of the appearance of legitimacy started in 1913 at Jekyll Island, Georgia; hence, the birth of the US Federal Reserve System. There were six powerful figures who followed the vision, planned, architected and enforced the secret plot:          

5 ways to excel in offline marketing

Like many entrepreneurs in town, we all love doing business online as it gives much flexibility for us to handle things between home and business, while also able to reach out to a bigger customer segment when it can go globally through internet.

Hong Kong holds on to its talent as financial services struggles

The employment market in Hong Kong financial services is less buoyant than it was 18 months ago; major banks have been making redundancies, and recruitment remains at comparatively low levels. Despite this, Hong Kong financial professionals show few signs of wanting to leave the city.

The real score behind the 'enterprise social' phenomenon

The advent of Facebook and similar social networking portals and tools is profoundly changing the world of work. While these changes may not have made themselves felt at your workplace yet, you can be sure they are on the way, as the industrial and institutional legacies of the 20th century are replaced by open and collaborative communities.

How to attract the best talent in 5 steps

Talent acquisition is an issue for many in Hong Kong. The slowdown in mainland China should make hiring easier in the short-term, but the combination of an aging population, increased competition, and a skills shortage will make it more difficult for leaders to find the right people in the long-term. To attract the best talent in the future, leaders must innovate.

Disharmony may mean happiness for Hong Kong

“Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul” Democritus (460-370BC)

Hong Kong holds on to its talent as financial services struggles

The employment market in Hong Kong financial services is less buoyant than it was 18 months ago; major banks have been making redundancies, and recruitment remains at comparatively low levels. Despite this, Hong Kong financial professionals show few signs of wanting to leave the city.

Corruption, wealth and big business

“August 21 - Vietnamese police have arrested one of the country’s wealthiest bankers over undisclosed financial crimes, triggering sharp falls on stock markets in the economically troubled nation”.

Flexible working brings benefits for the environment

Anyone who breathes the air in Central at rush-hour knows that traditional working practices are not good for the environment. It's no secret that Hong Kong's vehicle emissions pollute our air and worsen commuters' health.

The battle for more work-life balance in banking

Banking and work-life balance (WLB) have traditionally been anathema to each other – after all, this is a sector famous for the 80-hour week. But a shift in attitudes may be slowly taking place in Hong Kong, driven mainly by a desire to motivate employees and reduce attrition.

The bailout theater in Europe will continue indefinitely

The bailout showcase in Europe will continue indefinitely, because strong economic growth is a fantasy and austerity is politically untenable. As hopes for viable, sustainable solutions fail, expect the authorities to print money. And print BIG!

Develop leaders to prosper

The diversity of global organizations has given Hong Kong an edge in human resource development. If you look at Corporate Knight’s Global 100 list1, you will find many organizations with a significant presence in Hong Kong. Every one of these organizations is unique. To prosper, top organizations focus on developing leaders who share common values.

Aviation’s green flight path and carbon challenge

Airports connect air and ground transportation systems, and provide the stimulus for economic growth, international trade and social development.

Bring your own device at work!

One of the results of the rise of mobile devices and the consumerization of enterprise IT is that today's employees have increased expectations and demands of the devices they use for work. According to the Citrix Workshifting Index, a Citrix research study released this year, 92 per cent of companies report that they were aware their employees were using personal devices for at least some work-related tasks.