
How to safeguard your business whilst expanding along the Belt and Road?

Five key questions to ask when signing Belt and Road contracts

How to safeguard your business whilst expanding along the Belt and Road?

Five key questions to ask when signing Belt and Road contracts

How 5G will keep Hong Kong connected

The beauty of living in a place where the history and geographic location fuels inventive minds is very apparent here in Hong Kong. The city’s landscape pushes builders to create the astonishing feats of engineering that are our bridges and tunnels. And the fast-paced economy has led to the world-renowned MTR public transportation system, that notably has strong cellular signals available underground, allowing passengers to remain connected whilst traveling on the train. Hong Kong’s history of being a hub for Asia-Pacific trade fuels the region’s desire to be connected via e-commerce.

Five website design and SEO trends to help optimise your online performance in 2018

In the high-paced city that is Hong Kong, the internet is alive, changing, and always moving towards new technologies and trends. If entrepreneurs and small business owners want to keep up then they will need to monitor the pulse of changing website design and SEO trends to help further optimise their online presence and strengthen their online profitability. They can do this themselves or work with website design professionals so that their online presence takes advantage of the five trends outlined below.

Transporting Hong Kong into the future

The unveiling by the HKSAR Government of its Smart City blueprint late last year gave an insight into the transformation that, if all goes to plan, will improve city management, quality of living, enhance economic growth and modernise Hong Kong.

How to do digital marketing in Hong Kong

As a multiculturalist hub in Asia and due to its proximity with China, Hong Kong faces various challenges when it comes to develop a digital marketing strategy.

The changing landscape of advertising & PR: from intentional innovation to AI-led advancements

The advertising and PR industry is currently undergoing unprecedented change. Great Hong Kong SAR, Mainland Chinese and other Asian brands, as well as overseas brands looking to do business in Asia are thinking differently and approaching challenges differently. One of the primary reasons for this is technology, increases in the value of data, and AI advancements that come from marrying the two. Put down the WeChat session while you read this article!

Why Hong Kong listed company culture isn't fit for the future

The dominance of the large, listed companies so long at the heart of Hong Kong’s economic and business culture is under threat, challenged by the government efforts to boost competition, increasingly sophisticated shareholder demands, changing or disrupted markets and rival economic centres in the region.

How will Hong Kong profit from a purpose-driven economy?

How do we make sure we have an education system that is welcoming for all? Hong Kong’s landfills will be out of space by 2020 – what will we do with all our rubbish? The population is rapidly ageing: do we have enough skilled workers in the pipeline? Hong Kong, like many major cities, has plenty of pressing social problems that need to be addressed.

The Artificial Intelligence Revolution – more human than you think

The recent investment made in Hong Kong-based artificial intelligence company SenseTime Group by US mobile chip giant Qualcomm Technologies was the world’s biggest ever fundraising by an artificial intelligence startup. Announced in November, the investment was part of a Series C funding round, reported to be US$500 million. If confirmation was needed that Asia is experiencing an AI revolution this was it.

Digital marketing trends to watch in Hong Kong

The world of digital marketing never remains static. Technology is developing new and innovative ways to engage with audiences in the Hong Kong market. Any brand that wishes to maximize their success in the marketplace should be aware of these trends, to help ensure their digital marketing strategy doesn’t lag behind the competition.

2017: The advancement of interconnected business

In 2011, Marc Andreesen, the well-known super angel investor, famously wrote an essay declaring that “software is eating the world and every company is a technology company.” His bold statement stirred heated debates but five years later, when seeing how technology has revolutionised the way people live and how businesses operate, it’s no longer a stretch to say that technology is underpinning every business.

Keeping businesses connected in Hong Kong's skyscrapers

Now home to more than 3,000 buildings that qualify as skyscrapers, Hong Kong’s first structures of notable height stood just six stories tall. Although less impressive today, these so-called high rises of the early 20th century brought about an age in which Hong Kong and the world fell in love with skyscrapers.

Here's where B2B businesses in Hong Kong should head in 2017

If you run a B2B business in Hong Kong, these days your clients are making decisions about your offerings based on more than your price and specifications – they are evaluating your products or services in multiple dimensions. An increasing number of these are digital and in 2017, B2B businesses that neglect these digital dimensions are putting themselves in peril. Let’s start with social media marketing.

Chinese capital investment creates job growth in Hong Kong

Chinese capital investment in asset management firms and private equity fund houses is creating new job opportunities for qualified accountancy & finance professionals in the non-banking financial services industry.

Genuine startups and entrepreneurs being turned away by HK banks

Hong Kong has strongly built a reputation as a world-class business centre: not only is it one of the largest financial centres in the world, but it is also the jurisdiction where most foreign investments going to mainland China originate from, as well where most mainland Chinese investments going to the rest of the world are structured.

Here's why Hong Kong-listed companies should play catch-up on ESG reporting

Since the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) announced the upgrade of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosure requirement to 'Comply or Explain' in December 2015, listed companies have been acting more proactively in preparing their ESG reports.

How the age of digital disruption is transforming the employment landscape in Asia

According to a recent IDC survey commissioned by Workday, only 28% of Hong Kong workers said they found their work engaging and satisfactory. That compares with 59% in the Philippines and India, and 42% in Australia.