Telecom & Internet

Keeping businesses connected in Hong Kong's skyscrapers

Now home to more than 3,000 buildings that qualify as skyscrapers, Hong Kong’s first structures of notable height stood just six stories tall...

Keeping businesses connected in Hong Kong's skyscrapers

Now home to more than 3,000 buildings that qualify as skyscrapers, Hong Kong’s first structures of notable height stood just six stories tall...

EC greenlights 3 Italia and WIND merger

Possibly affecting CK Hutchison share price positively.

Optimism in mobile wallets ahead due to new SVF licences

Mobile payment sector is relatively less developed.

Inside Microsoft’s super cool new office in Hong Kong

Gone are the days of dull and drab cubicle spaces.

Analysts expect solid 1H results from Hong Kong's telco firms

As more subscribers moved onto higher tariff plans.

HKBN's profit for 1H15 jumped 15% to $482m

The company posted solid 1HFY15 results.